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NASA's Sip & Sketch
On the 3rd of November, NASA had their first event in 2023, after a long hiatus.
NASA's Sip & Sketch
The Namibian Architecture Student's Association is having their first event for 2023 on the 3rd of November.
NASA Revived
The Namibian Architecture Student's Association (NASA) founded in 2015, has ended it's hiatus, and returned with lot's o
Public Lecture - Spatial Tactics - Heather Dodd
Heather Dodd is the first graduate of the practice-based PhD in Architecture with Specialisation in Design at the Univer
First Year's Visit to the Botanic Gardens, Windhoek

As the second semester commence, the first year students received their first project for the semester- A Camping She

Vertical Studio 1: Incremental Adequate House

Vertical Studio is a on-week workshop at the begging of the second semester where undergraduate Architecture students

Doctor of Philosophy in Spatial Sciences

Master of Spatial Sciences

Bachelor of Regional and Rural Development Honours

Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning Honours

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