Prof Michael Mutingi
Associate Professor
DEng. Engineering Management, University of Johannesburg, South Africa (2015)
MEng. Industrial Engineering, National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe (1998)
BEng. Industrial Engineering, National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe (2004)
Brief Career Summary
- 2018+ Associate Professor, Industrial Engineering, Namibia University of Science and Technology
- 2017+ Visiting Associate Professor, University of Johannesburg
- 2014-2018 Senior Lecturer, Industrial Engineering, Namibia University of Science and Technology
- 2011-2014 Lecturer, Industrial Engineering, University of Botswana
- 2011-2011 Research Associate, Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore
- 2004-2010 Lecturer, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering, National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe
- 2002-2003 Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering, Bulawayo Polytechnic, Zimbabwe
- 2000-2002 Production Engineer, Olivine Industries Ltd, Zimbabwe
- 1998-1999 Research Fellow, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe
Professional Affilliations
Research Focus Areas
- Operations Management, Industry 4.0
- Bio-inspired optimisation algorithms in manufacturing and service systems
- Systems thinking, system dynamics simulation and design
Courses Currently Teaching
- Industrial Engineering Methods
- Work Science (Human Factors Engineering)
- Business Analysis
- Optimisation Methods
- Research Techniques and Methodology
Selected Publications
Peer-Reviewed Articles
- Gwangwava N., Mutingi, M. (2018). E-Manufacturing and E-Service Strategies in Contemporary Organizations, IGI Global, USA ISBN 13 9781522536284
- Mutingi, M. and Mbohwa C. (2017). Grouping Genetic Algorithms: Advances and Applications, Springer, UK, ISBN 978-3-319-44394-2
- Mutingi, M. and Mbohwa C. (2016). Healthcare Staff Scheduling: Emerging Fuzzy Heuristic Approaches, Taylor & Francis Group, USA, ISBN 9781498707961
- Iyambo T., Mutingi, M., Chakraborty, A & Vashishth A. (2021). Perceived Performance of Gasoline Supply Chains: Empirical Evidences from Namibia. Global Business Review (Accepted)
- Muchaendepi W., Mbohwa C., Kanyepe J., Mutingi M. (2019). Challenges faced by the mining sector in implementing sustainable supply chain management in Zimbabwe. Procedia Manufacturing 33, pp. 493–500
- Mutingi, M. and Chakraborty, A. (2019). Quality management practices in Namibian SMEs: An empirical investigation. Global Business Review, pp. 1-15
- Chakraborty, A. and Mutingi, M. and Vashishth, A. (2019). Quality Management Practices in SMEs: A Comparative Study between India and Namibia. Benchmarking: An International Journal, pp. 1463-5771
- Sony, M., Antony, J., Park, S. and Mutingi, M. (2019). Key Criticisms of Six Sigma: A Systematic Literature Review. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, pp. 1-13
- Muchaendepi W., Mbohwa C., Kanyepe J. and Mutingi, M. (2019). Challenges faced by the mining sector in implementing sustainable supply chain management in Zimbabwe. Procedia Manufacturing 33, pp. 493–500
- Silombela, T., Mutingi, M., Mashauri, D. and Charkraborty, A. (2018). Impact of quality management tools and techniques – Case of Namibian Municipal Water Distributors. Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering 24 (1), pp. 2-21
- Isack H., Mutingi M. and Chakraborty, A., Kandjeke H. (2018). Exploring the adoption of Lean principles in medical laboratory industry: Empirical evidences from Namibia. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma 9 (1), pp.133-155
- Mutingi, M., Mbohwa, C. and Kommula V.P. (2017). System dynamics approaches to energy policy modelling and simulation. Energy Procedia, 141 (2017), pp. 532 - 539.
- Mutingi, M., Mbohwa, C., and Dube P. (2017). System dynamics archetypes for capacity management of energy systems. Energy Procedia, 141 (2017), pp. 199–205.
- Mutingi, M, Dube P, and Mbohwa, C. (2017). A modular product design approach for sustainable manufacturing in a fuzzy environment. Procedia Manufacturing, pp. 471 – 478.
- Mutesi J. Mutingi, M. and Charkraborty, A. (2016). Service quality assessment for internet banking: Empirical evidences from Namibia. e-Service Journal, 10 (1), pp. 42-65
- Mutingi, M., Mbohwa, C. and Kommula, V.P. (2016). Multi-criteria reliability optimization for a complex system with a bridge structure in a fuzzy environment: A fuzzy multi-criteria genetic algorithm approach. Maintenance and Reliability, vol.18 (3), pp. 450-456,
- Mutingi, M. (2016). A fuzzy multi-objective genetic algorithm for system reliability optimization. International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 22 (1), pp. 1-16
- Mutingi, M., Mbohwa, C. (2015). Nurse Scheduling: A Fuzzy multi-criteria simulated metamorphosis approach. Engineering Letters 23 (3), pp. 222-231
- Mutingi M. (2015). Enhancing decision support in healthcare systems through mHealth. Mobile Health (mHealth): Multidisciplinary Verticals. In Sasan Adib (Ed.), CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, pp 508-522.
- Mutingi M. and Mbohwa C. (2015). Developing multi-agent systems for mHealth drug delivery. Mobile Health (mHealth): A Technology Road Map. In Sasan Adib (Ed.), Springer, vol. 5, 2015, pp 671-683
- Mutingi, M. and Mbohwa, C. (2014). Multi-Objective homecare worker scheduling - A fuzzy simulated evolution algorithm approach. IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, 4 (4), pp. 209-216
- Mutingi, M. and Mbohwa, C. (2014). A Fuzzy-based particle swarm optimization approach for task assignment in home healthcare. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering 25 (3), pp 84-95