Prof Mallikarjun Pillalamarry
Head of Department
Associate Professor
Phone : +264 61 207 2982
Email : mpillalamarry@nust.na
Office Location : Engineering Building
PhD. Mining Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, India (2007)
M. Tech, Mining Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, India (2002)
Bachelors of Engineering, Mining Engineering, Kakatiya University, India (2000)
Brief Career Summary
- 2013+ Senior Lecturer, Department of Mining and Process Engineering
- 2012-13, Assistant Professor, NIT, Nagpur, India
- 2010-12 Researcher, Southern Illinois University, USA
- 2007-2010 Post-doctoral Researcher, Southern Illinois University, USA
Professional Affiliations
- Society of Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration [4173499]
Research Focus Areas
- Mine Ventilation, Environment, Mine closure and Rehabilitation
- Coal bed methane, carbon sequestration and shale gas
Courses Currently Teaching
- MVE810S – Mine Ventilation
- RME710S – Rock Mechanics
- MMY720S – Mine Machinery
- TEV720S – Technical Valuation [Geostatistics]
Selected Publications
Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications
- Lawrence Madziwa, Mallikarjun Pillalamarry, Snehamoy Chatterjee., 2023, Integrating stochastic mine planning model with ARDL commodity price forecasting, Resource Policy, Vol 85.
- Lawrence Madziwa, Mallikarjun Pillalamarry, Snehamoy Chatterjee., 2023, Integrating flexibility in openpit mine planning to survive commodity price decline, Resource Policy, Vol 81.
- Lawrence Madziwa, Mallikarjun Pillalamarry, Snehamoy Chatterjee., 2022, Gold price forecasting using multivariate stochastic model, Resource Policy, Vol 76.
- Mohammad Asif, Mallikarjun Pillalamarry, Panigrahi, D.C., 2020. Measurement of coalbed gas content of Indian coalfields: a statistical approach, Int. J. Oil, Gas and Coal Technology, Vol. 25 (1).
- Musiyarira, H., Pillalamarry, M., Tesh, D., Nikowa, N., 2019. Formulating strategic interventions for the coloured gemstone industry in Namibia by utilising the logical framework approach, The Extractive Industries and Society 6. 1017–1029.
- Develo, E., Pillalamarry, M., Garab, E., 2016. Improving the ventilation system at Rosh Pinah Zinc mine, The Journal of South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (116). 301-305.
- Pillalamarry, M., Pathak, K., 2014. Latent variable modelling approach for assessing social impacts of mine closure. Open Journal of Applied Sciences (4). 573-587.
- Shimin Liu, Satya Harpalani and Mallikarjun Pillalamarry, 2012. Modelling of coal permeability with continued methane production using laboratory measurement: Part II-modelled results. Fuel (94). 117-124.
- Mallikarjun Pillalamarry, Satya Harpalani and Shimin Liu. 2011. Gas diffusion behaviour of coal and its impact on production from coalbed methane reservoirs. International Journal of Coal Geology 86(4). 342-348.
- Mallikarjun Pillalamarry and K. Pathak: 2005, Socio economic impacts of mine closure: A case study using satellite imagery, International Journal of Environmental Studies 62(5). 555-570.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Publications
- Lawrence Madziwa, Mallikarjun Pillalamarry, Snehamoy Chatterjee., 2023, Developing a Recourse Action to Survive Low Commodity Prices in Open Pit Mine Planning, Mining & Exploration: Operations: Recent Advancements in Mine Optimization, SME2024/2024 SME Annual Conference & EXPO, Phoenix.
- Lawrence Madziwa, Mallikarjun Pillalamarry, Assessing the performance of machine learning methods in forecasting gold prices. 3rd International Multidisciplinary Information Technology and Engineering Conference (IMITEC), 23-25 November 2021, Windhoek, Namibia.
- Mallikarjun Pillalamarry, Ventilation considerations for underground uranium mines. Uranium 2017 international conference. 11-17 September 2017, Swakopmund, Namibia.
- Musiyarira, H., Tesh, D., Pillalamarry, M., Namate, N. Interventions for ensuring the sustainability of the small-scale mining sector in Namibia. Proceedings of the International Sustainable Development in the Minerals Industry (SDIMI2017) Conference, 25 to 29 June 2017, Beijing, China.
- Tesh, D., Pillalamarry, M., Musiyarira, H., Namate, N., &. Analysis of the small-scale mining challenges for semi-precious stones in Namibia. Proceedings of the 4th UMaT Biennial International Mining and Mineral Conference, 3 – 6 August 2016, Tarkwa, Ghana.
- Musiyarira, H., Tesh, D., Pillalamarry, M., Namate, N. Developing a sector growth strategy for the small scale semi-precious stones sector in Namibia. Proceedings of the 4th UMaT Biennial International Mining and Mineral Conference, 3 – 6 August 2016, Tarkwa, Ghana.
- Musiyarira, H., Tesh, D., Namate, N., Pillalamarry, M., Establishing the building blocks for semi-precious stone industry in Namibia. Mining and Communities Solutions, 6-7 June 2016. Vancouver, Canada.
- Mallikarjun Pillalamarry, S. Harpalani and Shimin Liu, Effect of coal swelling on methane and CO2 sorption measurements. Proceedings of Technological Challenges and Management Issues for Sustainability of Mining Industry, NIT Rourkela, India, August 2011,
- Shimin Liu, S. Harpalani and M. R. Pillalamarry, Flow behaviour in deep coals at carbon sequestration pilot sites, Proceedings of the second Thailand symposium on Rock Mechanics, March 2009