Godfrey holds a B.Sc (Hon) Engineering degree in Metallurgy from the University of Zimbabwe, a PhD in Minerals Process from the University of Queensland in Australia, and a Postgraduate Certificate in Development Economics from the Renmin University of China as well as various leadership courses. He has spent over three decades in the mineral industry focusing on production operations, research consultancy and academia. In the corporate world, he rose through the ranks from engineering through senior management roles to Chief Executive Officer of a number of national and international companies, including one that was triple listed on the Zimbabwe, Johannesburg and London Stock Exchanges. He led various expansion and modernisation projects for those companies. In academia, Godfrey has lectured and led research at the University of Zimbabwe, and was the founding HOD in the Mining Engineering Department at the then Polytechnic of Namibia, which he joined in 2009 to 2011. Since then, he has been involved with the Department on a part-time basis, until 2019 when he joined the Department of Mining and Process Engineering at the renamed Namibia University of Science and Technology on a fulltime basis as the Professor of Extractive Metallurgy. Godfrey has lectured and supervised at both underground and postgraduate levels, with research interests and over 60 peer reviewed publications and over 40 technical reports mainly on mineral education, mineral beneficiation and further value addition.
Brief Career Summary
- 2018+ Professor/Director of Extractive Metallurgy, Dept. of Mining & Process Engineering, NUST, Namibia
- 2011 - 2018 Managing Consultant/Director, Paasol Resources (Pvt) Limited, Harare, Zimbabwe
- 1999 – 2003/2012+ Lecturer/Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, Univ. of Zimbabwe
- 2012 - 2018 Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Mining & Process Engineering, PON/NUST, Namibia
- 2009-2011 Professor/Director of Extractive Metallurgy/Minerals Process & HOD, Dept. of Mining Engineering, PON, Namibia
- 2006-2009 Divisional Manager-Metals Production, BCL Nickel & Copper Mining and Smelting, Selebi Phikwe, Botswana
- 2004 – 2006 CEO/Managing Director, Hwange Colliery Company Ltd, Zimbabwe
- 2000 – 2003 General Manager/ Managing Director, Zimchem Refiners, Zimbabwe
- 1997 – 2000 Opencast Mine Superintendent/Manager, BHP Minerals Zimbabwe
- 1989 – 1992 & 1996 - 1997 Plant Metalllurgist/Manager, Hwange Colliery Company Ltd, Zimbabwe
Professional Affiliations
- ECZ 0397
Research Focus Areas
- Sustainable Beneficiation & Value Addition of Diamonds, Base metals, Coal, Ferrous metals, Gold, Uranium, etc
- Dewatering of fine minerals & tailings management
- Dense medium separation
- Minerals education
Courses Currently Teaching
- MIP710S/720S – Mineral Processing
- MIP710S/720S – Metallurgical Plant Design
- MPM810S – Mine and Plant Management
- MEP820S - Metallurgical Engineering Project
- PNM710S – Pyrometallurgy of Non-Ferrous Metals
Selected Publications
Peer-reviewed articles
- Dzinomwa, G. P.T, (1995) Dewatering of Fine Coal Using Superabsorbent Polymers, Australian Coal Preparation Conference, Mudgee, Australia
- Dzinomwa, G.P.T., C.J. Wood, D.J.T. Hill, (1996) Coal Dewatering Using pH- and Temperature-sensitive Superabsorbent Polymers, Journal of Polymers for Advanced Technologies, Vol.8, pp. 767-772
- Dzinomwa, G.P.T, (1996) Dewatering of fine coal using superabsorbent Polymers. PhD Thesis, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
- Makamba, J, Dzinomwa, G.P.T., (2008) Case Study on Challenges Experienced by BCL Concentrator on Thickened Tailings Disposal, Proc. of the 11th International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Kasane, Botswana (PASTE 2008), pp. 365-370
- Gumbie, M., Giwa, W.Z., Moroka, M., Bogopa, M., Dzinomwa, G.P.T., (2008) Sandfill Operations – Challenges and Benefits to BCL Ltd, Proc. of the 11th Intern. Conf. on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Kasane, Botswana (PASTE 2008), pp.371-375
- Legg, A., Ntsipe, L., Bogopa, M., Dzinomwa, G., (2008) Modernisation of the BCL Smelter, Proc. of the 12th International Flash Smelting Conference, Shanghai, China, pp149 – 161
- Gumbie, M., Dzinomwa, G., (2009) Milestones in the Improvement of Concentrator Nickel and Copper Recoveries at BCL, Proc.The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Base Metal Conference, Kasane, Botswana, pp 359 – 368
- Legg, A., Ntsipe, L., Bogopa, M., Dzinomwa, G., (2009) Modernisation of the BCL Smelter, Proc. of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Base Metal Conference, Kasane, Botswana, pp 53 – 68
- Stroud, M., Bogopa, M., Kietshokile, D., Dzinomwa, G.(2009) BCL Sulphur Capture Options, Proc. The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Base Metal Conference, Kasane, Botswana, pp 39 – 52
- Musiyarira, H., Tesh, D. and Dzinomwa, G. (2013). Challenges of promoting sustainability in the Namibian minerals education. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Sustainable Development in the Minerals Industry, Milos Island, Greece, pp. 25 -30.
- Dzinomwa, G., and Katiyo, B., (2014) The Status of extraction of platinum group minerals and the case for value addition in the Great Dyke of Zimbabwe, Journ. of Strategic Studies Vol. 4, No. 1, pp 61 – 73
- Dzinomwa, G., Musiyarira, H.; Tesh, D. Munyati-Nyamukapa, D. and Mchibwa, A. (2014). The Challenges Faced By Women in Mining in Namibia and Zimbabwe. Proceedings of the 25th Annual general Meeting & Conference of the Society of Mining Professors Conference, the Maslow Hotel, Sandton, Gauteng, South Africa.
- Tesh, D., Musiyarira, H., Dzinomwa, G. and Mischo, H.,(2014) Interventions for ensuring sustainability of minerals education programmes at the Polytechnic of Namibia, Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Vol 114, No. 12, Dec, pp 1055 – 1058
- Musiyarira, H.; Tesh, D. and Dzinomwa, G., (2014). Future Challenges of Mining in Namibia. Proceedings of the 25th Annual general Meeting & Conference of the Society of Mining Professors Conference, the Maslow Hotel, Sandton, Gauteng, South Africa.
- Dzinomwa,G., (2015) Mining Sector and Prospects for Beneficiation, Policy Brief 1, Prospects for Industrial Transformation in SADC - Towards a Regional Strategy and Roadmap, Regional Economic Development Institute of Southern African Research and Documentation Centre (SARDC).
- Dzinomwa, G., Gumbie, M., Katiyo, B,. and Chinyakata, F., (2015) Mined Ore Reconciliation and Metal Accounting, Proc. SAIMM International Conference on Metal Recovery and Accounting, Harare, Zimbabwe
- Tesh, D., Musiyarira, H. and Dzinomwa, G., (2015) Role of Minerals Education Institutions in Improving Small Scale Mining – A Namibian Case Study, Latest Innovations in Mining Education and Research, TU Bergakademie Freiberg and SOMP, ISBN: 978-3-86012-505-2, editors H. Mischo and C. Drebenstech, pp 37-42
- Musiyarira, H., Tesh, D., Dzinomwa, G. and Mischo, H., (2015) Globalisation, Chances or Challenges for the Minerals Education: The Case Study of Polytechnic of Namibia, Latest Innovations in Mining Education and Research, TU Bergakademie Freiberg and SOMP, ISBN: 978-3-86012-505-2, editors H. Mischo and C. Drebenstech, pp 57-63
- Musiyarira, H., Tesh, D., and Dzinomwa, G., (2015) Mining in Sensitive Areas: A Case Study of Namibia’s Minerals Industry, Latest Innovations in Mining Education and Research, TU Bergakademie Freiberg and SOMP, ISBN: 978-3-86012-505-2, editors H. Mischo and C. Drebenstech, pp 193-198
- Musiyarira, H.; Tesh, D. and Dzinomwa, G., (2015). Sustainable Mine Water Management for Uranium Mines. Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Sustainable Development in the Minerals Industry, Vancouver, Canada.
- Dzinomwa, G.; Musiyarira, H. and Tesh, D., (2015). Community engagement as means of ensuring sustainability of minerals education. Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Sustainable Development in the Minerals Industry, Vancouver, Canada.
- Tesh, D., Musiyarira, H., Dzinomwa, G., (2015). Women in Small scale Mining: case study of Namibia. Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Sustainable Development in the Minerals Industry, Vancouver, Canada.
- Dzinomwa, G. (2015). Mining Sector and Prospects for Beneficiation, Prospects for Industrial Transformation in SADC, ISBN 978-0-7974-6735-4, pp24-31, ©SARDC 2015, www.sadc.int
- Dzinomwa, G. (2016), Chapter 5: Coal, Petroleum and Gas Sector, SADC Energy Monitor 2016, Baseline Study of SADC Energy Sector, ISBN 978-0-7974-7158-0, pp74-78, ©SARDC 2016, www.sadc.int
- Dzinomwa, G. (2016), Chapter 3: Electricity Supply in the SADC Region, SADC Energy Monitor 2016, Baseline Study of SADC Energy Sector, ISBN 978-0-7974-7158-0, pp32-52, ©SARDC 2016, www.sadc.int
- Dzinomwa, G., Katiyo, B, Gumbie, M., (2016). Skills Development In the Mining Sector In Zimbabwe And The Region, Proc. SAIMM Conference on Innovations in Mining - Redesigning the Mining and Mineral Processing Cost Structure, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.
- Musiyarira, H.K., Tesh, D., and Dzinomwa, G. (2017) Water Management Practices and Developments in Namibian Uranium Mines, Int. Journal of Georesources and Environment.
- Musiyarira, H. Magombedze, C., Tesh, C. and Dzinomwa, G. (2017) The Use of a Factorial Experimental Design to Predict the Flotation Performance of Fluorite Ore, Minerals Engineering Conf.
- Dzinomwa, G., Musiyarira, H., Nyirenda, K. and Suglo, (2018) Capacity Building Initiatives in Mineral Education in Southern Africa: Opportunities for Collaboration, Intern. Journal of Georesources and Environment 4 (3) pp 180 – 186
- Dzinomwa, G. and Wood, R. (2018), Innovations in the Optimisation of Dense Medium Separation Performance, Proc. SAIMM International Conference, Harare, Zimbabwe, Nov 2018.
- Dzinomwa, G., Musiyarira, H., Suglo, R., Shava, P.(2019) Balancing demand and supply of mineral professionals through graduate tracer studies – a Case study in Botswana and Namibia. Proceedings of the 30th SOMP Meeting Annual Meeting and Conference, Bochum, Germany, July 2019
- Handuba, A.,Magombedze, C., and Dzinomwa, G. (2019) Flotation of calcite and gypsum from low grade uranium ore from Namibia, Proceedings of the 2nd Zambian national conference on Geology, Mining, Metallurgy and Groundwater Resources, Kitwe, Zambia, Nov 2019, pp 254-261.
- Kapendah, I.N., Magombedze, C., Dzinomwa, G., Amwele, M.N. and Kurasha, J. (2019) Investigating the potential effect of alternative collectors on the flotation recovery of copper in slag, Proceedings of the 2nd Zambian national conference on Geology, Mining, Metallurgy and Groundwater Resources, Kitwe, Zambia, Nov 2019, pp 279-290.
- Musiyarira, H.K., Shava, P. and Dzinomwa, G. (2020). An interrogation of the approach to social licence to operate (SLO) on the African continent, The Extractive Industries and Society, 8, 100741, Elsevier https://doi.org/10.1016/j.exis.2020.05.020
- Nghipulile, T., Moongo, T., Dzinomwa, G., Maweja, K., Mapani, B., Kurasha, J. And Amwaama, M. (2021) Effect of process mineralogy on grindability – a case study of copper ores, Comminution’21, Minerals Engineering International (MEI)
- Gabasiane,T.S.*, G. Danha, G., Mamvura, T.A., Mashifana, T. and Dzinomwa, G. (2021) Characterization of copper slag for beneficiation of iron and copper, Helyon 7, e06757 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.21/e06757
- Tlotlo Solomon Gabasiane, Gwiranai Danha, Tirivaviri A. Mamvura, Tebogo Mashifana and Godfrey Dzinomwa, (2022) Environmental and Socioeconomic Impact of Copper Slag—A Review, Crystals, 11 (12), 1504, https://doi.org/10.3390/cryst11121504
- Titus Nghipulile; Thomas Ehongo Moongo; Godfrey Dzinomwa; Sandile Nkwanyana; Benjamin Mapani; Jacqueline T Kurasha, (2022) Relationship between the milling breakage parameters and mineralogical data: A case study of three copper ores, Minerals ISSN 2075-163X, DOI: 10.3390/min12101263
- Dzinomwa,G., Shava, P., Musiyarira, H. and Suglo, R.S. (2022) The Expansion of Mineral Education in Southern Africa – an Update, 32nd SOMP Annual Conference
- Falayi, T., Dzinomwa. G., Musiyarira, H. (2022) Geopolymer (green) concrete technology: State of the art, challenges/gaps and way forward, 10th International Conference of the Sustainable Development in the Minerals Industry (SDIMI)
- Moongo, T., Nghipulile, T., Dzinomwa, G. Fotolela, G. and Danha, G. (2022) Sustainable extraction of multi-mineralised base metal deposits: a case study of a copper deposit in Namibia, 10th International Conference of the Sustainable Development in the Minerals Industry (SDIMI). 42. Falayi, T., Dzinomwa, G. and Musiyarira, H. (2022) Namibia – Its potential role in the development of green hydrogen, 10th International Conference of the Sustainable Development in the Minerals Industry (SDIMI).
- Poloko, N., Danha, G., Dzinomwa, G., Beas, I. and Kabomo, M. (2022) Performance evaluation of different reagent regimes in flotation of a sulphide ore from Botswana, 10th International Conference of the Sustainable Development in the Minerals Industry (SDIMI).
- Kanyemba, A., Dzinomwa, G. & Sony, M. (2023) Application of lean Six Sigma to improve the dense medium separation performance at a diamond processing plant in Namibia, Cogent Engineering, DOI: 10.1080/23311916.2023.2165216
- Nghipulile, T., T.E. Moongo, T.E., Dzinomwa,G., Maweja, K, Mapani, B, Kurasha, J. & Amwaama, M. (2023), Effect of ore mineralogy on grindability – a case study of copper ores, J. S. Afr. Inst. Min. Metall. vol.123 n.3, http://dx.doi.org/10.17159/2411-9717/1714/2023
- Musiyarira, H., Dzinomwa, G., Tesh, D. (2023), A Synopsis of the Development of Sustainable Mineral Programmes in Namibia, 12th Regional Meeting of the Society of Mining Professors (SOMP), German-Mongolian Institute for Resources and Technology (GMIT),Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, June 22 – 23
- Godfrey Dzinomwa, Benjamin Mapani, Titus Nghipulile, Kasonde Maweja, Jaquiline Tatenda Kurasha, Martha Amwaama and Kayini Chigayo, (2023), Mineralogical Characterization of Historic Copper Slag to Guide the Recovery of Valuable Metals: A Namibian Case Study, Materials 2023, 16, 6126. https://doi.org/10.3390/ ma16186126
- Madziwa, L., Dzinomwa, G. and Musiyarira, H.K. (2023), Sustainable Green Mining Engineering based on Efficient Power Generation and Utilisation: Towards Low Carbon Economy, 33rd AGM and Conference of the Society of Mining Professors, 10-16 September, Clausthal-Zellerfeld and Goslar, Germany, https://bergbau.tu-cluasthal.desomp23-op
Conference presentations & invited talks
- Dzinomwa, G., (2006) Hwange Colliery's Role in Economic Revival of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe International Trade Fair International Business Conference, Springboard for Economic Revival, Bulawayo, April 2006.
- Dzinomwa, G., (2006) Progress of Recapitalisation Programme at Hwange Colliery Company Limited, Confederation of Zimbabwe Industries annual conference, Bulawayo, August 2006.
- Dzinomwa, G., (2014) Making beneficiation a priority - Challenges and opportunities in maximising beneficiation, 6th Zimbabwe Mining and Infrastructure Indaba, Harare
- Dzinomwa, G., (2015) Developing a Good Career in the Minerals Industry, Southern African Institution of Mining and Metallurgy Youth Professions Council Career Development Day, Mintek, Johannesburg, South Africa
- Dzinomwa, G., Matarutse, N., Katiyo, B. and Chinyakata, F., (2015) Availability of Power & Its Impact on the Production, Beneficiation and Value Addition of Minerals In Zimbabwe, Conf. Abstracts, Proc. of UNESCO AFRICA ENGINEERING WEEK, Sept 2015, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
- Dzinomwa, G. (2015) Developing Capacity in the Minerals Industry - a Zimbabwe Case Study, 3rd Regional Conference of the Society of Mining Professors (SOMP), Sept 2015, Windhoek, Namibia
- Dzinomwa, G. (2016) Growth of the Platinum Group Mineral industry in Zimbabwe, Department of Mining and Process Engineering Symposium, NUST, Windhoek
- Dzinomwa, G. (2013) Capacity Building for Women in Mining in Zimbabwe, Workshop funded by the UNDP in conjunction with the Zimbabwe Ministry of Gender and Women Affairs.
- Dzinomwa, G. (2014) Monitoring and Evaluation of the Capacity and Technical Skills of Women in Mining in Zimbabwe, Workshop funded by the UNDP in conjunction with the Zimbabwe Ministry of Gender and Women Affairs.
- Dzinomwa, G., Chigumba, G. Chipumho,E. (2017) Assessment of the Scope and Applicability of Beneficiation and Value Addition of Minerals In Zimbabwe, ZEPARU, Report and Workshop funded by the African Development Bank (AfDB)
- Dzinomwa, G. (2018), Co-creation of a Community Owned Gold Gold Processing Plant for Women in Mining in the Guruve area. Workshop funded by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) in conjunction with the Zimbabwe Ministry of Gender and Women Affairs
- Dzinomwa, G. (2018), Towards innovative mineral research in Namibia, the Engineering Research day, NUST, Windhoek.
- Dzinomwa, G. (2018), Leveraging Platinum, Chrome and Gold Resources to build mineral Growth Nodes in Africa, Africa Industrialisation Week 19 -23 November 2018, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
- Dzinomwa, G., Wood, C.J. and Wood, R. (2020), Improving Density Based Mineral Concentration using radio frequency identifiable density tracers, SAIMM webinar (4 Sept).
- Musiyarira, H., Dzinomwa, G., Namate, N., Pillalamarry, M., Likukela, M. (2019), The Mineral Beneficiation Strategy (MBS) for Namibia. Report to Ministry of Mines and Energy.
- Dzinomwa, G., Musiyarira, H., Pillalamarry, M. and Likukela, M. (2021), MBS Implementation Plan. Report to Ministry of Trade and Industrialisation.
- Dzinomwa, G., Mapani, B., Addai-Mensah, J., Pillalamarry, M., Sililo, B., Jegede, K., Likukela, M., Shilunga, H., and Chikwati, M. (2023), Evaluating the Potential of Establishing a Glass Manufacturing Industry in Namibia. Report to Geosciences and Natural Resources of Germany (BGR), and the Geological Survey of Namibia (GSN)
Related activities
- Chaired/moderated sessions of international conference sessions held in Windhoek, 10th International Conference of the Sustainable Development in the Minerals Industry (SDIMI).
- Chaired/moderated international conference sessions held in Windhoek, namely the Sustainable Minerals 2018 organised by Barry Wills in June 2018,
- Chaired the Mining session during the SADC Industrialisation Week held in July 2018
- Reviewed several papers for publication in the Southern African Institution of Mining and Metallurgy (SAIMM) and the Zimbabwe Institution of Engineers (ZIE) journals, and Namibia Journal for Research, Science and Technology (NJRST) (2018 – 2021)
- Reviewed various degree programmes for the Zimbabwe Council of Higher Education (ZimCHE) in 2020 - 2022. Appointed Peer Reviewer/Thought Leader for ZIMCHE