Ms Elvira Van Wyk
Junior Lecturer
Phone : +264 61 207 2435
Email : ebvanwyk@nust.na
Office Location : Engineering Building, First floor, F27
M.Sc. candidate, University of Namibia
B(ed) Hons, Rhodes University (2003)
BSc, University of Namibia (1998)
Postgraduate diploma of Education, University of Namibia (1999)
Elvira completed her B.Sc at the University of Namibia after which she did a B.Ed (hons) as Rhodes University. Currently she is busy with a M.Sc (chemistry) at the University of Namibia, for which she will graduate in 2023.
Brief Career Summary
- 1999 – 2014 Grade 8-10 Physical science teacher
- Since 2014 Lecturer, NUST, Namibia
Research Focus Area
- Synthesis of ligands for antimicrobial testing
Courses Currently subjects
- Introduction to Chemistry A (ICH401S)
- Introduction to Chemistry B (ICH402S)