Phone : +264 61 207 2538
Email : gkalumbu@nust.na
Office Location : Old Engineering Building, LG 26
Master of Integrated Water Resource Management, Namibia University of Science and Technology, Namibia (2015)
BSc. (Hons) Water Utilisation, University of Pretoria, SA (2009)
BSc. Natural Resources, University of Namibia, (2006)
Brief Career Summary
- 2017-Present. Junior Lecturer, DCEE, NUST, Namibia
- 2011-2016 Laboratory Technician, DCEE, NUST, Namibia
Research Focus Areas
- Water & Wastewater Treatment
- Water Quality Management
- Water Engineering
- Climate Change in the Kuiseb and Cuvelai-Etosha Basins
- Climate Adaptation in Arid Environments
- Seawater Desalination
Courses Currently Teaching
- WAE 110S - Water Engineering I
- WAE320S - Water Engineering III
Selected Publications
- Neliwa, G.& Kalumbu, G. Investigation of productivity and efficiency of a passive solar desalination technology for brackish water in Northern- Central Namibia. International Journal on Hydropower and dams,April 2019.
- Kalumbu,G., Kgabi,N.,Rynders,C. The Impact of Industrial Effluent on River Quality: A case of Klein Windhoek River, Lambert Academic Publishing, 109 Pages, January 2017, ISBN:978-3-330-03501-0
- Kgabi, N., Uugwanga, M.,Iithindi., Knoeller, K., Atekwana, E., Wanke, H., Mathuthu, M., Kalumbu, G., Amwele, H., Uusizi. Isotopic composition and elemental concentration of water bodies in the Kuiseb and Cuvelai-Etosha basin, Namibia. January 2017
- Njinga, R., Amwele, H., Kalumbu, G., Tshivhase, V., Motsei, L., & Kgabi N., Ingestion dose exposure to metal contaminants in Cow-Livers around Mafikeng metropolis in South Africa, Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, March 2017
- Amwele H., Motsei L., Kalumbu G.,Kgabi N., Njingan R.,Tshivave V. Investigation of possible human exposure to metal concentration in vegetables. Journal of Toxicology & Environmental Health Science, Vol 9(7),pp66-76, July 2017
- Amwele H.,Iithindi J., Kalumbu G.,Kgabi N.,Mathuthu M.,Motsei L.,Tshivave V. Assessment of toxic metals in borehole water; A case of the Kuiseb basin, Namibia,. European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol141(2), pp108-115, August 2016.