Mr Tulipale N Kaputu
Phone : +264 61 207 2680
Email : tukaputu@nust.na
Office Location : Engineering Building, G21
MSc Financial Engineering, University of Reading, UK, (2012)
MSc Control Systems Engineering, University of Sheffield, UK, (2011)
BEng Electronics Control and Systems Engineering, UK, (2009)
Brief Career Summary
- 2013+ Lecturer Mechanical and Marine Engineering, NUST, Namibia
- 2011 - 2012 Risk Analyst, MF Global London, UK
- 2007 - 2011 Systems Engineer, Baldwin & Francis, UK
- 2006 - 2007 Systems Engineer, Siemens PLC, UK
Research Focus Areas
- Stochastic Model Predictive Control
- Computational efficiency in predictive control
- Parametric and Nonparametric Machine Learning Algorithms
Courses Currently Teaching
- CNS720S - Control Systems 325
- SYM710S - Systems Modelling 313
- DSP820S - Digital Signal Processing 425
- EXM710S - Experimental Methods for Beginners