Mr Rangarirai Muvungani
Rangarirai Muvungani earned his Bachelor of Quantity Surveying Honors with an upper second class, Master of Science in Construction Project Management with a merit and Post Graduate Diploma in education with a distinction at the National University of Science and Technology in Zimbabwe. He joined the Department of Architecture, Planning and Construction in 2024 as a lecturer.
Research Focus
Sustainable Construction
Industry 4.0/5.0
Construction Technology, Construction Materials, Building Services, Sustainable Construction, Construction Legislation and Regulations, Descriptive Quantification of Building Works
Construction for Sustainability, Construction Project Planning and Management
Community Development Activities
Thesis External Examiner (University of Zimbabwe, Nelson Mandela University)
External examiner/moderator (Lerotholi Polytechnic, Lesotho, Bulawayo Polytechnic, Zimbabwe)
Quantity Surveying curriculum review for Zaoga Ezekiel Guti University (ZEGU, Zimbabwe)
Peer-reviewed articles
Sakutemba N., Muvungani R., and Moyo T., (2024) Barriers to the adoption of electronic procurement in public sector construction projects in Zimbabwe, PENERBIT UNIVERSITI SAINS MALAYSIA (PUBLISHER) in Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 29(2), 231-255, 2024.
Conference presentations & invited talks
Muvungani R, Gore A, DzimiriT, 2023, Challenges affecting the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies in enhancing construction project delivery in Zimbabwe, Association of Schools of Construction of South African, ASOCSA23-020, 17th Built Environment Conference