Mr Taruwona Makaza started his career in the Surveyor General’s office in Harare as a trainee land survey technician in 1982 engaged in precise levelling operations. After a few months he enrolled for his BSc Honours (Surveying Engineering) at the University of New Brunswick in Canada which he completed in 1987. Back in the Surveyor General’s in Harare he embarked on his articles subsequently obtaining his registration status as a professional Land Surveyor in 1990.
In 1992 he joined Geoflux Surveys in Gaborone where he practiced as a professional land surveyor up to 1996. During this period he was engaged in cadastral, topographical, as well as control surveys for geophysical and hydrogeological exploration. He then joined the Surveyor General’s office in Windhoek in 1996 where he worked until May 2007. At the time he left the Public Service of Namibia to join the academic environment at the then Polytechnic of Namibia in June 2007, he had reached the position of Deputy Surveyor General.
Professional Affiliation
- Surcon ( PLS Reg No. 023)
Research Focus
- Applications of CORS networks
- Applications of UAV mapping in informal settlement upgrading
Courses Currently Teaching
- Cadastral surveying
- Engineering surveying’
- Photogrammetry
Community Development Activities
- Working with Namibia Housing Action Group and Shack Dwellers Federation