Mr Kaleb Negussie
Kaleb received a BSc. and BSc. Honours in Environmental and Geographical Sciences and Geographic Information Systems respectively from University of Cape Town, South Africa. He also earned a Master of Science in Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics from Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences in Germany. He joined the Department of Land and Spatial Sciences in 2011 as a lecturer, heading the Geoinformation Technology Section from 2016-2019. He is currently a doctoral candidate at Cartography, GIS and Remote Sensing Department in the Institute of Geography at University of Gottingen.
Professional Affiliation
- Member of Geoinformation Society of Namibia
- Member of Geo-Information Society of South Africa
- Member of the American Geophysical Union
- Member of International Association for Landscape Ecology (African Chapter)
- Member of Committee on Space Research (COSPAR)
Research Focus
- Water Resource Management,
- Climate science and disaster risk management
- Hydrological and Drought modelling.
- Land Degradation Monitoring
- Digital Elevation Models
Courses Currently Teaching
- Geographic Information Systems
- GIS Programming
- Land Information System
- Spatial Data Infrastructure
- Spatial Databases and Web Mapping
- GIS Application Development
Community Development Activities
- City of Windhoek Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (VCA)
- Revision of Mass Housing Development Program
- Ministry of Mines and Energy – Rundu Land Degradation Project
- National Land Cover Classification Standard for Namibia – NSDI - Namibia Statistics Agency
Peer-reviewed articles
- Wyss, D., Negussie, K., Staacke, A., Karnagel, A., Engelhardt, M., and Kappas, M., (2022). A comparative analysis of MODIS-derived drought indices for Northern and Central Namibia. African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 16 (May), 173–191.
- Negussie, K.G., Wyss, D., Knox, N., Orti, M.V., Corral-Pazos-de-Provens, E., and Kappas, M., Evaluating SWAT Model for Streamflow Estimation in the Semi-Arid Okavango-Omatako Catchment, Namibia. African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (Under Revision - 2022).
- Orti, M.V., Negussie, K.G., (2019). Temporal statistical analysis and predictive modelling of drought and flood in Rundu–Namibia. Clim. Dyn
- Orti, M.V., Negussie, K., Corral-Pazos-de-Provens, E., Höfle, B., Bubenzer, O., (2019). Comparison of Three Algorithms for the Evaluation of TanDEM-X Data for Gully Detection in Krumhuk. MDPI Remote Sens. 11, 1–22.
Non peer-reviewed articles
- Vallejo Orti, M.; Negussie, K.G. (2019), Gully-affected areas in the Kunene region: looking for suitable locations for future citizen-science project. ILMI Working Paper.
- Negussie, K. G., (2015). Pothole Detection Using Dense Laser Range Data and Colour Images. HFT Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences. Stuttgart, Germany.
- Negussie, K. G., Kunwar, U., & Hosta Mella, E. (2014). 3D Face Modelling Using Iterative Closest Point Algorithm with SR 4000 Range Camera. Turkish-German 3D Spatial Information Technologies Conference. Safranbolu, Turkey.
- Negussie, K G., 2009 Towards applications and setting up of 3D GIS in South Africa. Honours thesis. University of Cape Town.
- Negussie, K G., 2008 The Suitability of Geographical Information System Software for Crime Mapping and Analysis in the South African
Conference presentations & invited talks
- Negussie, K.G., Wyss, D., Knox, N., Orti, M.V., Corral-Pazos-de-Provens, E., and Kappas, M., Evaluating SWAT Model for Streamflow Estimation in the Semi-Arid Okavango-Omatako Catchment, Namibia. Living Planet Symposium 2022, European Space Agency, Bonn, Germany
- Negussie, K.G. (2019). Water Consumption Map of City of Windhoek using Open WebGIS Platform. AGSE 2019 International Conference: Digital Landscapes: Chances for Development, Stuttgart (Germany). Oral Presentation.
- Negussie, K.G. (2019). Monitoring Catchment Behavior to determine climate change impacts over Okavango-Omatako River Basin, Namibia. Sixth International Soil and Water Assessment Tool, South East and East Asia Conference, Siem Reap (Cambodia). Oral Presentation.
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Kaleb-Negussie