Mr Joe Lewis
Senior Lecturer
Programme Coordinator (Geomatics)
Phone : +264 61 207 2043
Email : jlewis@nust.na
Office Location : Land Management, Room 9
M.Sc. Geoinformatics (ITC, The Netherlands)
Professional Master (GIS) (ITC, The Netherlands)
B.Sc. (Survey) (University of Cape Town, South Africa)
B.Eng. (Industrial) (University of Stellenbosch, South Africa)
I have been doing research on the geometric accuracy and usability of Small Format Aerial Photography (SFAP) for planning and management of informal settlements, since 2003. I am a senior lecturer, geomatics programme coordinator, professional land surveyor and registered sectional title practitioner, specialised in the following:
- Cadastral surveying, including township surveys, subdivisions, consolidations, servitudes and beacon relocation surveys
- Sectional title surveying
- Small format aerial photography and mapping
- Digital Terrain Modelling
- Cadastral reform
Membership of Professional Bodies, Councils and Commitees
- Registered as a Professional Land Surveyor with the Namibian Council for Professional Land Surveyors, Technical Surveyors and Survey Technicians (SURCON)
- Registered Sectional Title Practitioner
- Former Council Member and Chairperson of SURCON (2013-2017)
- Member of the Flexible Land Tenure Act Regulations Committee
- Member of the Sectional Titles Act Regulations Committee
Research Focus
- Accuracy and quality control in Structure-from-Motion (SfM) photogrammetry (error analysis, geometric quality control, metadata and the development of quality standards to facilitate the use of SfM based Small Format Aerial Photogrammetry for cadastral and precise surveying applications).
- Cadastral reform, especially relating to land delivery to the urban poor. In this regard I have been actively involved in the development and/or amendment of regulations for the Flexible Land Tenure Act, Sectional Titles Act, and the Professional Land Surveyors’, Technical Surveyors’ and Survey Technicians’ Act.
Selected Publications
- Georgiado, J. , De Vries, W., Lewis, J. (2003). The Cost of Land Registration: A Case Study of Cost Efficiency in Namibia. The Australian Surveyor, Volume 48 No.1 (pp. 7-20).
- De Vries, W., & Lewis, J. (2009). Are Urban Land Tenure Regulations in Namibia the Solution or the Problem? Land Use Policy 26 (pp. 1116-1127).
- Lewis, J. (2017). Law Reform for Improved Delivery of Land to the Urban Poor. In D.P. Zongwe & Y. Dausab (Eds.), Law Reform and Development Commission of Namibia at 25: A Quarter Century of Social Carpentry (pp. 135-171). Windhoek, Namibia: Ministry of Justice - Law Reform and Development Commission. ISBN 9789994500994.