Ms Sophia van Greunen
Phia received her qualifications in Architecture from the University of Pretoria. Between 2006 and 2011 she gained experience on diverse architectural commissions under various architectural practices in Namibia before establishing her own firm. She has been teaching in the Architecture Program since its inception in 2010 and joined the Department as a full-time lecturer in 2012. Her main interests are urban public space, urban informality, urban design and ultra-ultra-low cost housing; which she’s been focused on through research, teaching and in practice.
Professional Affiliations
- MNCAQS (No.440)
Research Focus Areas
- Urbanism and Ecology
- History and Tradition in Contemporary Architecture
- Architectural output
Courses CurrentlyTeaching
- History and Theory of Architecture (Architecture in Context)
- Principles of Urban Design
- Contract Documentation and Architectural Practice
- Architectural Design
- Architectural Drafting
- Landscape Studies
- Honours Design Project
- Master Design Studio
- Professional Practice Management
- Building Law and Contract Administration
Community Development Activities
- Project Architect - New Building for the Dolam Children’s Home Trust completed in 2018
Selected Publications
PEER REVIEWED JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS van Greunen, S. (2021). The city assemblage: A case of Windhoek, Namibia. Cities. Vol.119, no.103374
van Greunen, S. (2021) Two Houses in Sub-Saharan Africa: Architectural Guide. (ed.) Meuser, P. & Dalbai, A. Dom Publishers
van Greunen, S. (2021) Our Informal City in Sub-Saharan Africa: Architectural Guide. (ed.) Meuser, P. & Dalbai, A. Dom Publishers
van Greunen, S. (2014) Spatial Economics: The Wealth of the Urban Poor, published and presented under the 25th International Union of Architects (UIA) World Congress, held in Durban in August 2014.
van Greunen, S. (2014) ASSESSING THE RESILIENCE OF WINDHOEK on the road to Re-Defining Sustainability. Published and presented under the 25th International Union of Architects (UIA) World Congress, held in Durban in August 2014
van Greunen, S. (2013) ASSESSING THE RESILIENCE OF WINDHOEK on the road to Re-Defining Sustainability. Published and presented under the 20th General Assembly and Conference of the Commonwealth Association of Architects (CAA), held in Dhaka in February 2013
Botha, J. Lühl, P. & van Greunen, S. (2017) WINDHOEK RETRO-FIT - Reconnecting the Fragmented City in Digest of Namibian Architecture 2017. p92-95. Virtual Marketing, Windhoek. ISBN 1680-1946
Lühl, P & van Greunen, S. (2017) NUST NEWS in Digest of Namibian Architecture 2017. p44-49. Virtual Marketing, Windhoek. ISBN 1680-1946
van Greunen, P. (2016). First cast-in-situ Home in Digest of Namibian Architecture 2016. p148-153.Virtual Marketing, Windhoek, Namibia. ISSN 1680-1946 (print version) ISSN 2026-8068 (electronic version) Text and Photographs by Phia van Greunen. Project Architect Phia van Greunen
Schauffer, A. (2016). Making Space for Design in Flamingo. April 2016. Edition p104-109. Media Nova, Namibia ISSN 2026-7924 (An interview with Sophia van Greunen)
van Greunen, P. (2016). Nature Estate Living in Digest of Namibian Architecture 2016. p154-159.Virtual Marketing, Windhoek, Namibia. ISSN 1680-1946 (print version) ISSN 2026-8068 (electronic version) Project Architect Phia van Greunen. Text and Photographs by Phia van Greunen. Project Architect Phia van Greunen
van Greunen, S. (2014). Spatial Economics: The Wealth of the Urban Poor in Architecture South Africa – Journal of the South African Institute of Architects. Issue 70 Nov/Dec p48-51. Picasso Headline (Pty) Ltd, Cape Town.
van Greunen, P. (2013). ASSESSING THE RESILIENCE OF WINDHOEK on the road to Re-Defining Sustainability in Digest of Namibian Architecture 2013. p10-14. Picasso Headline (Pty) Ltd, Cape Town, South Africa
van Greunen, P. (2012). The Namibian Institute of Architects at 60 - A review in Digest of
Namibian Architecture. 2012 p59-61. Picasso Headline (Pty) Ltd, Cape Town, South Africa.
van Greunen, S. (2008) Ellis & Partners New Offices, Windhoek in Digest of Namibian Architecture 2008. p42-44. Picasso Headline (Pty) Ltd, Cape Town.
van Greunen, S. (2008) New RCC Head Office, Windhoek in Digest of Namibian Architecture 2008. p52. Picasso Headline (Pty) Ltd, Cape Town.