Phone : +264 61 207 2488
Email : lmadziwa@nust.na
MPhil in Mining – University of Zimbabwe (2005)
BSc Honours in Mining Engineering – University of Zimbabwe (2000)
Career Summary
- Since 2016 Lecturer: Mining, Faculty of Engineering, Dept. of Mining and Process Engineering, NUST, Namibia
- 2013-2015 Copper Mining, Diamond Mining, Manganese Mining, Lead and Zinc Project
- 2010-2013 University of Zimbabwe -Lecturer
- 2005-2010 Mining Chrome for ZIMASCO on a number of Projects, on various capacities
- 2001-2003 Alluvial Gold Mining
Courses Currently Teaching
- Underground Mining
- Underground Mine Design and Planning
- Mineral Economics
- Materials Handling
Research Focus Areas
- Mine Costing
- Materials Handling
- Mine Optimisation