Administration from the University of Twente, Faculty ITC from the Netherlands. She joined the Department of Land and Spatial Sciences in 2019. In 2021 she embarked on her Ph.D. studies here at NUST in the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, on Integrated Water Resources Management and Informal Settlements, focusing on the Land and Water nexus.
Research Focus Areas
- Participatory informal settlement Upgrading
- Land administration for sustainable development
- Crowd sourced data for land information systems
- Open Data for Tenure Security
- Land and Housing
Courses Currently Teaching
- Land Administration Theory and Practice
- Information Systems Law
- Project Management for Land Administration
- Innovative Approaches to Land Administration
- Land Policy and Development
Community Development Activities
- Technical to Shack Dwellers Federation of Namibia on Upgrading of Informal Settlements under the Community Land Information Programme.
Selected Publications
Newspaper articles
- Mabakeng, R (2019, May 14). Demand Secure Tenure in Informal Settlements. The Namibian, pg. 7
- Mabakeng, R (2020, May 08). Lack of Integrated Data is Costing Namibia. The Namibian,pg. 11.
- Mabakeng, R (2020, July 31). Exclusion in planning perpetrates poverty in informal settlements. New Era, pg.?
- Mabakeng, R (2021, February 26). Implementing Land Administration Systems that will fast Track Land Delivery. The Namibian pg. 10. Link
Conference presentations & invited talks
- United Nations World Data Forum (2020). The Million Neighbourhoods Map and OpenReblock: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55xTPli6uIw
- Mabakeng R, Awala, C, and Uchendu Eugene Chigbu (2021): Supporting Capacity Development in Land Administration in Namibia: The NUST Experience FIG Working e-week. 20-25 June 2021
- Mabakeng, R. (2019). “Information is power only if used “-Improving Tenure security in informal settlements using participatory data collection: The case of Informal settlements in Gobabis Namibia. Presented at the 2019 World Bank Conference Land and Poverty, Washington.
- Mabakeng, R. Christensen, A. Teodol, E. Shumba, E. (2020). Innovative Approaches for Land Tenure Documentation - Lessons from Zambia. Integrated Land and Resource Governance Annual Research Symposium October 2020
- Mabakeng R. (2020). Community Data for Sustainable Development. Conference United Nations World Data Forum October 2020, Presentation.
- Mabakeng R. (2020). Land Administration and Urban Development. Presentation at a webinar on “Becoming Urban: Complexities in Contemporary Developing Cities. Hosted by the University of Chicago.
- Mabakeng, R. Muduva, T. (2020). Capacitating graduates to support Land Administration in Namibia. Presented at the GIZ Virtual Land Hub 2020. Digital Innovations for Land Tenure Security. 16 December 2020.
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Menare-Mabakeng