Mr Verinjaerako Kangotue
Verinjaerako Kangotue earned Master of Spatial Science (Property Studies) (NUST), Masters of Business Administration (University of Nicosia); (B.Sc Hons) Property Studies (PON); Adv. Dip. Property Finance (UNISA); ND Valuation and Estate Management (PON); Cert. Banking & Risk Management (UNISA). He joined then the Department of Land and Property Sciences in June 2016 as a Junior Lecturer Lands and Property Studies; he is currently holding a position of lecturer in property studies and heading the Land Administration section. Before joining Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST), he worked in both private and public sectors holding positions in project management, property valuations and property assets management.
Professional Affiliation
- Professional Property Valuer (NIV) & Sworn Appraiser
Research Focus
- Real Estate Finance and Capital Markets
- Mortgage Finance and Securitization
- Real Estate Valuation and Investment
- Economics of Information and Uncertainty
- The Applications of IoT in the Real Estate
- Mortgage and Asset-Backed Security
- Competing Risks of Mortgage Prepayment and Default
- Economics of Sustainable Development
- Property law
- Real Estate Market Analysis
- Real estate Economics and Urban Economics
Courses Currently Teaching
- Property Finance and Investments
- Business Management and Leadership
- Advanced Property Finance and Investments
- Land Administration and Urban Development
Community Development Activities
- Executive member of the Namibia Institute of Property Valuers (NIV)
- Exco Member of the OvaHerero traditional youth league
- Mentor and patron of the Lands and Property studies students society
- Departmental outreach liaison officer (Show and Career fairs)
Selected Publications
Peer-reviewed articles
- Mwando, S., Issa, A., & V.Kangotue. (2021). Staff and students’ perception of implementing flexible working arrangements in institution of higher education. Journal of Facilities Management, 13(3), 285-303.
Newspaper articles
- Is Your House An Asset Or Liability? ( https://www.namibian.com.na/178187/archive-read/Is-Your-House-An-Asset-Or-Liability)
- Opinion - How to get the best interest rate on your home loan (https://neweralive.na/posts/opinion-how-to-get-the-best-interest-rate-on-your-home-loan)
- Property Taxes A Potential Revenue Stream For Smaller Towns (https://www.namibian.com.na/177372/archive-read/Property-Taxes-A-Potential-Revenue-Stream-For)
- Sectional Title (Flats) Repairs and Maintenance – Owner or Body Corporate? (https://www.namibian.com.na/185463/archive-read/Sectional-Title-(Flats)-Repairs-and-Maintenance)