Mr Malcon Mazambani
Malcon Mazambani earned his Master of Science in Land Management and Land Tenure from the Technical University of Munich – Germany, a Bachelor of Technology in Land Management, as well as a National Diploma in Land Management and Registration from Polytechnic of Namibia. He joined the Land and Spatial Sciences Department in April 2022 as a Lecturer: Land Administration.
Professional Affiliation
- FIG Young Surveyors Network
Research Focus
- Land Administration
- Geographical Information Systems
Courses Currently Teaching
- Governance and Spatial Information Management
- Innovative Approaches to Land Administration
- Legal and Institutional Framework
Community Development Activities
- Formalization of Informal Settlements in Okahandja Town
- Humanitarian Open Street Mapping Project
- Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM) implementation in Windhoek’s Informal Settlements
- Testing and deployment of Trimble Land Administration Technology
Selected Publications
Peer-reviewed articles
- Simataa, Alexander, Mazambani, et al. (2022). “Digital Namibia’’ — a National Geographic Portal data for urban planning. FIG Congress 2022: Volunteering for the future - Geospatial excellence for a better living, Warsaw, Poland.
- Kohima, J., Chigbu, E., Mazambani, M., & Mabakeng, R. (2022). (Neo-)segregation, (neo-) racism, and one-city two-system planning in Windhoek, Namibia: What can a new national urban policy do? Windhoek, Namibia.
Conference presentations & invited talks
- Summer School: “Spaces for Future – Processes of Rural and Urban Transformation in Southern Africa”. Lusaka, Zambia from 19 – 23 September 2022.