Amin Issa joined the then Department of Land Management is 2002, lecturing in Valuation, Estate Management and Urban Economics. He has had various positions including Head of Section , Deputy HoD and also acted as HoD at different times. Apart from lecturing at NUSt he has also provided Valuation Training for staff of the Valuation Section of Agribank (2009), staff of the Valuation Department of City of Windhoek (2009) and was also a member of ILMI Consultancy team on Land Taxation in Namibia (contracted by Ministry of Lands and Resettlement (2008).
He has been a Visiting Lecturer on Valuation at Masters level at the University of Kwazulu Natal (SA) – CEAD project, 1995/95 and participated in the Exchange Programme: Lecturing on Valuation at Masters level at KTH University in Stockholm, Sweden through the ADLAND exchange programme – January 2019. Has also worked in both public and private sector since graduating in 1986. He is a Fully Registered Valuer (FRV) with the Valuers Registration Board in Tanzania.
Research Focus Areas
- Property Valuation
- Property Management
- Land Governance
- Real Estate market analysis
- Land and Urban Economics
- Housing affordability
- Developing interest in using GIS/LIS for creating property market values database for comparative analysis
Courses Currently Teaching
- Applied Property Valuation
- Principles of Quantity Surveying
- Co -supervision - Masters
Community Development Activities
- Honorary Exco Member of the Namibia Institute of Valuers (NIV)
Selected Publications
Peer-reviewed articles
- Mwando, S. M., Issa, A., & Kangotue, V. (2021). Staff and students’ perception of implementing flexible working arrangements in institution of higher education. Journal of Facilities Management
- Mushinge, A., Mwando, S.M., Issa, A., Tshitaka, J.L. (2020). Mitigating Land Corruption through Computerisation of Statutory Land Governance Activities: Evidence from DRC, Tanzania and Zambia. African Journal on Land Policy and Geospatial Sciences, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 4, p. 72-81, sep. 2020. ISSN 2657-2664. doi:https://doi.org/10.48346/IMIST.PRSM/ajlp-gs.v3i3.18362
- NUST, UNDP, GIZ, (2009). Land Taxation as an instrument of land reform: learning from the experience of Namibia
- Strategies and Guidelines to Improve the Quality of Land Delivery in Tanzania. Unpublished 1999
- Design of a GIS Utilities in a Distributed Environment to Support cadastral and Land Use Applications. Unpublished, 1995
- Rationalizing Compulsory Purchase and Practice in Tanzania. Unpublished, 1986
Conference presentations & invited talks
- Land Information System in Tanzania: a Tool for better Land Management paper presented at the AFRES Sustainable Land Management in Africa, in Bagamoyo, Tanzania (March 2006)